Thursday, February 20, 2014

Clarity of Avoidance


     Just a simple slave to hope that someday the words pouring forth unspoken to written, will inspire something in others someday. Some people have contacts and friends out there who can help them achieve their dreams in the pursuit of acceptance, the only treasure worthy is said virtue.

      I strive alone, however, my mouth aches after a jaw crack nearly breaking from the anthem of silence's threat that resounds so loud in the desert of the vernacular double new think speak written by the empathetic imagination engine scribbling inklings upon these pages.

    But we should always protest the most abysmal ransom, hold our hearts captive, threat of emotion terror that is silence. For some day, far off or just round the next unforeseen bend, we'll find our courage in the dignity that is acceptance, in the unguided front battle lines of our greedy agent mustard orange intoxicated moral trenches, barely surviving on our avarice earth, this beautiful planet in Sandcastle Universe.

    Forever and then another day in the ethereal complex green over black text tattooed heart off my sleeveless wrist bleed out finality infraction occurrence shall there be poetry, even if no one remembers a word this sponsor of hope ever wrote.

In earnest anticipation of,


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