Thursday, March 6, 2014

Creative 'Unblock' Storm Project(s)


     Whether or not you develop your own creative mode under the beautiful ominous threat of silence or betwixt the eternal sound scape overture pressures of malady and melody, there is method in the subconscious madness that marionette string self pull persuades your creativity to come alive.

      The storm is often harsh of criticism, whether from the external society that 'just doesn't get it' or from the self, where doubt lingers for lack of a confident foundation. This is what the Algorithymns Poetry² Project Spoken Word Universe(ity), is all about; instilling courage upon conviction in artists, so that they might overcome and utilize the life stage threat of silence to their advantage, whether that be whilst performing or in every day to day social 9 to lonely 5 irregular artistic interval existence interaction.

     Don't let the master-peace hand dramaturgy craft fate key into dreams go redundant to everyday survival epiphanies drumming lullaby comfort shallow aspirations into the depths of your imaginations wonderful creative tide.

In earnest anticipation of,


An Ode to Ukraine: Roulette Oppression Russian Dice I

A Written Spoken Social Commentary Word, 
By Juton
Algorithymns Poetry² Curator of Spoken Word Universe(ity)

Take the prose obliterated metaphor as deep 
As the white transparent lie rabbit marionette hole will take you
For there resides the honest self and the stage of silence.

Hospitable probe of hostilities,

     Failed dystopian conduit of guilt, benign of remorse amidst civilian voted half blood oppression cash torture suffering conduct in Ukraine's anonymous occupation cotton slavery field's distorting willingly opaque lies conquering knees paper clip seated upon calf ash gang cloven green foot remains; hands nailed to the throne of compassion's erupting pain, the ground before Putin's white holocaust Hilter's artistic iron distorted fist canvas perforated eye failure has adopted a second hate tongue language of control's second cold chance winning rogue hand war sequel as penance is ghastly broken string pretend marionette string performed behind a secret shade vale of twilight dim internal grey cloud bleeding under an invisible guise of inner heart never skeletal X  marks belief's dying swollen cycle sky spotted vulture belly of dictatorship's nether spawn cemetery minor chord over major threat  lies.

In earnest anticipation of,

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Charles Bonnet Syndrome I

Mainly Affects Elderly or...

     The Lost of Sight, A visual synapse loss syndrome chapter of, 'for the most part,'mild off mental ill social health stigma target quota let down reality's guard to blindness organized enjoyment hallucination merry unexpected entertainment break from the dreary on kilter edge of normality.

In earnest anticipation of,