Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Challenging Stereo Art Types

The integration of words,

     While S.W.U manoeuvres its Start Up Self into position to become a world renowned source for the future of Poetry, Spoken Word and mixed media text-art, let us, in the meanwhile, consider what Spoken Word might look like if it we were to read it as if it were produced in said form of prose.

     It might look like the following, holding strongly laced prose to a political, social or inhuman to our earth stance. See below for Malefic Condescension III

Prophetic seer's groan,

     Pure urge of a peaceful vision clause trapped in the heart's of undeserving greedy men who stand as a beacon of apathy at the end of lethargy's dusty hateful rage penetrating nature's light with unkindness house of battle never won dread forever yet naught in a future of cries where inhumanity the only virtue of Avarice bride of the shallow unbelieving who reside above the moral trench wars.

In earnest anticipation of,

     The above is one in a sequence of poems that holds weighty connotation towards a particularly narrow point of unoriginal view, held by so many unhappy folk today. Unhappiness, discontentment, these are the reasons why I delve into the poetic depths and continuously search to inspire the opposition; acceptance, equality, hope...

     Poetry, and in particular Spoken Word, has magnificent well word woven structure, the metaphor and double think (in jest and parody usually) that are lived out on stage, under constant threat of silence, are astounding. The passion to create, the daring to perform... Alone! And yet, poetry's reach is not so grand, at least not yet, possibly it shall never be.

     But that doesn't mean we have to hold ourselves ransom to the threat of silence; not from an audience or praise from our families and friends, for the emotions, the moral trench conviction, all the creativity and passion held within and said allowed or written, are the vehicle for change.

    S.W.U Seeks to utilize the web to bring together poets from all over the world, in all languages in order to promote poetic people's work through recognition, this shall be done through The Auditorium, a 900 Person Spoken Word Server that will be used to host poetry slam competitions, with rewards that you'll be able to keep on your wall, in your desk or pinned to your shirt as you travel the world... Though I think 'pinned' is not quite the right adjective to the function of holding a plaque upon one's favourite check mate T-Shirt.

     In the future we will be delving deeper into what poetry is, where you can take it and how you can utilize so many different options out there to build your confidence... Which is mostly just courage any ways, so yes! Mentor you in courage, I suppose is the correct vernacular.

In earnest anticipation of,


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